Thursday, February 15, 2007

Educational Blogging in the United States

Here is the link to an article of the benefits of using blogging in the classroom. I thought it was interesting. The writer supports the use of blogs saying "BLOGGING CAN INVITE STUDENTS TO NATURALLY EVALUATE THEIR OWN WORK AND THE WORK OF THEIR PEERS." I agree with this statement. I believe that students are interested in reading the imput of their peers. Reading the writing of classmates makes it more fun & interesting.Podcasting in the Classroom

Here is an article in which an avid blogger, Will Richardson, expresses his views on the benefits and outcomes of using blogging in the classroom. He has even used educational blogging in his classroom & has observed its positive influence.
<----'Blogevangelist' Will Richardson


K. Leytham said...

have you been able to find any actual international classroom blogs? Because I keep running accross articles about blogs instead of actual blogs.

Wesley Fryer said...

Stacy and K:

I have links to some great classroom podcasts on podcasting wiki workshop curriculum that you might check out. The best collection of links of educational bloggers I know is maintained on Support Blogging. :-)