Thursday, February 15, 2007

Educational Blogging in the United States

Here is the link to an article of the benefits of using blogging in the classroom. I thought it was interesting. The writer supports the use of blogs saying "BLOGGING CAN INVITE STUDENTS TO NATURALLY EVALUATE THEIR OWN WORK AND THE WORK OF THEIR PEERS." I agree with this statement. I believe that students are interested in reading the imput of their peers. Reading the writing of classmates makes it more fun & interesting.Podcasting in the Classroom

Here is an article in which an avid blogger, Will Richardson, expresses his views on the benefits and outcomes of using blogging in the classroom. He has even used educational blogging in his classroom & has observed its positive influence.
<----'Blogevangelist' Will Richardson

Here's a pic!

I love Sushi!! Know of any good places? Let me know. I love trying new places!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What do you think about blogging?...

My blogging experience has been great although I am having a hard time finding the time in which to blog. I think that it is a great way to either keep an online journal or to share information with other people across the globe. I really enjoying sharing with others what is going on in my life. I enjoying reading what is going on in other peoples lives too.
Whether we realize it or not, most of us are blogging everyday on related sites such as facebook and myspace. With the expansion of technology, I do not see it out of the ordinary to see a child doing just that. Children are learning very young how to navigate the internet and use it to their advantage. Through blogging, teachers and students can communicate useful and important information. Likewise, parents can get more invovled with the teachers via web communication. I believe that blogging is an excellent way to corporate modern day technology into the curriculum.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Visit my MySpace Profile!

Visit my myspace profile Click here for My Profile!

*Add me as a friend if you'd like! :)