Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Megan Meeks Website Review

Megan Meeks blog was very neat & complete. All of buttons worked appropriately & there were no unwanted "red warnings". My only suggestion for improvement is that I would add some more text on the Australia page. Also, the index button should always be the first button on every page! That's the only major problem with your website! You know how particular Dr. Strange is! :)
Love the Mavericks pic!

Click here!Visit Megan Meeks website!


Rachael Pierce said...

Hey Stacey, Yes, I am getting very excited...and a little overwhelmed! My date is June 9th, which is less than two months away and I still have a lot to do for it.
I am not at Robert Moore's any more, I am now a receptionist at Allure Studio (a beauty salon). Its much different, but I definitely enjoy it better!

Megan Meeks said...

I try to make school as interesting as possible however, sometimes that just doesn't work. I figured since I couldn't be at the beach I could look at pictures of it. The Mavericks picture is awesome, I love it. have you ever been out there? To see it in person is absolutely breathtaking!!!