Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It is time..

It is time to do powerpoints.. Good luck people. :)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Alrighty then.

Happy Thursday!
Well.. once again it is time to post & I have nothing really to say. I wish I was more interesting & had more to talk about. School & Work is pretty much it for me. Boring!
I would add a pic to this post but my "Pin Drive" is not wanting to cooperate.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Fifthteen of Jan

It is the 15th of January and yesterday, of course, was a holiday from school (MLK Day). I didn't get a holiday yesterday! All of my classes are scheduled on Tuesday & Thursday so it did not affect me one bit. I had to work all day yesterday which really stunk. Holiday? I think not. :/ haha

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Tuesday Thursday 11 Class Page

To get to the class blog Click Here.

Bloggy-Pooh Numbero Uno

I am a first-timer to the whole blogging thing so this whole thing is new to me. I guess I am having a hard time keeping up with technology because as soon as I get the hang of one concept, something new comes knocking at my door.

I would like to wish everyone good luck for this semester.

Happy Blogging. :)
